
b. 5 August 2013

Name: Podge Kittinman

Friends: Hodge Kittinman

Family: Hodge Kittinman (brother)

Nicknames: Big Lug, Bum No. 1, Podgey, Podgey-boy, Podgey Hodge, Popo, Poo-face, Poo, Poopoo

“I do not wish to physically exert myself.”

– Podge Kittinman

Bio: Podge is a rather hefty cat who enjoys eating and sleeping. His favourite place to sleep is on Hodge, and his favourite toys are straws, pen caps, soggy foam balls, and door stops. Podge does not actually do much with these toys except bat at them and meow loudly if he can’t reach them without straining his arm muscles. Podge is easily frightened by strangers, including door-to-door salesmen and the pet sitter.