
30 May 2006 – January 2008

Name: Oreo Rhatsi

Friends: Coallie, Cookie Rhatsi

FamilyCookie Rhatsi (sister), Dimples Cheeziki (cousin), Pimples Cheeziki (cousin), Simple Cheeziki (cousin), Negev Cheeziki (cousin), Mojave Cheeziki (cousin)

Nicknames: Oreo-Woreo

“Hmmmmmm, I wonder how I acquired this name? Is it because I am black and white? Oh, no that cannot be.”

– Oreo Rhatsi

Bio: Oreo is a happy rat, but she is also kind of shy. However, she isn’t as shy as Ianis, so at least we do know who she is related to, and who she is friends with. She keeps in touch with Coallie, her former cagemate from the pet shop she used to live in.